Sunday, 24 January 2016

Sunday Sermon Title: Do Pets Go To Heaven?

Speaker: Senior Pastor Rony Tan
Date: 24 January 2016
Church: Lighthouse Evangelism Church

Is there a resurrection for Christians? Yes, Christians look to Jesus Christ who was the first to be resurrected. He lives therefore we shall be resurrected and live with Him throughout eternity. We are unlike Enoch and Elijah for they did not die, and therefore, were not resurrected.

1. Evidences of Animals in Heaven
a. 2 King 2:11
There appeared horses of fire when Elijah was taken up to Heaven
b. Isaiah 11:6-9
These were the animals mentioned - wolf, lamb, leopard, cow, bear, lion, ox, snake, serpent.
Eventually Jesus will reign in the millennium because there shall be universal submission.
c. Rev 19:11
At Christ's glorious appearance, He will ride on the white horse and followed Him were armies in Heaven riding on white horses.
d. Therefore there are real animals in Heaven.
e. Two phrases to summarise the Bible: One, decay, degenration and death in all forms of life. Two, total restoration of all life forms, for there will be redemption and resurrection.

2. Truths of Believers' Resurrection
a. 1 Cor 15:35-50
How can the dead be raised to life?  Look at nature, when a seed dies it will be resurrected. A seed, a flower or a human being will have a body, even though all have different kinds of flesh. This is to denote that all forms of life will be resurrected.
b. Even the moon, sun and stars have different beauty. Infinite God has created an infinite universe.
c. The only place that is not going to be recreated is God's throne, His abode.
d. Our loved ones who believed in the Lord, though died, they are not dead for they will have a spiritual body after resurrection.
e. Therefore, what is most important on earth now is more than good  career, wealth, hobbies, etc. but it is to have the connection with the life of Jesus, so that when we die we will have a new body that will live throughout eternity with Christ.
f. If Jesus did not come and die to take away my sins, everybody will be without hope and will spend eternity in hell.

3. What will happen when pets die?
a. All pets will be in Heaven because God will redeem and restore His creation which includes animals. The truth is that animals do exist in Heaven as evidenced by the passages mentioned above.
b. Romans 8:18-22
God will reveal who His children really are, and animals will also be revealed and restored. All creation now is subject to God's curse but all will join with God's children for the glorious hope without death and decay. Presently we may be groaning amid pain and suffering, but these are only temporal.
c. Acts 3:20-11
There shall be restoration of all things.
d. Rev 21:5
The Lord shall be making all things new (ie. accurate, incorruptible and trsutworthy)
e. Luke 12:6-7
Every sparrow that has fallen on the ground, God has never forgotten any of them.
f. Job 12:10
In God's hand is the life of every thing.
g. Psalm.128
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

4. Right Attitude In Having Pets
a. A pet like dog and cat is a living thing, thus care and nuture must be given to them.
b. Every pet is unique and has a distinct personality.
c. Their life span may only be 10 or 15 years. So the attitude of being responsible is key to consider before having a pet.
d. Pro 12:10
The righteous care for the needs of their animals.

5. Lessons learnt from animals
a. Many heartwarming stories of how pets are faithful, caring and life-saving.
b. A lion will fight for her cubs, a cat will save her kitten from fire, a tiger kills for survival, and ants demonstrate the quality of diligence.

6. Conclusion
a. Principle of redemption perfectness - Redemptive completeness. Jesus promised redemption and restoration for all His  creation
b. All pets will make it to Heaven. Ironically not all humans will make it to heaven.

a. Our church may be the only church in Singapore that has evangelistic meeting every week. May we then put soul winning as our new priority in life?
b. We are saved to bear the light for Christ for the days are very short. Let us encourage one another and win souls for the Lord especially those who are our family members.

Note: This is a personal sermon note-taking. For complete sermon please get a DVD  at the church counter.

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