Sunday, 10 January 2016

Sunday Sermon on 10 Jan 16 by Senior Pastor Rony Tan

Title: Truth hurts and heals

What is truth? It is not relative. Biblical truth, God's Word, is absolute.

Question to ask. About preferences and opinions can be relative, but not divine truth in God's Word.

Example: This sphagettti noodle is awesome. It is a relative truth, not absolute.

However, the Bible says "Thou shalt not covet" - it is absolute.

If our heart inclines to God's Word, we will hear His voice.

1. All truths on earth are superceded by God's truth.

John 10:17-18

The truth that offends is the same truth that saves.

Earthly truth - Ashes back to earth (lower truth)
Divine truth - Spirit and soul lives eternally (higher truth)

2. Knowing the truth and experiencing the truth

John 8:32
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

3. God's Word as Warning

Rev 22:18 - Warning about distorting God's Word

Truth can be comforting or condemning

A. Comforting if one obeys the truth
B. Condemning if one distorts the truth

4. God's Word can soften or harden our heart.

A. Moses' Example - the Golden Calf

Who is on God's side? All Israelites soften their heart, except 3000 who hardened their heart and were perished.

B. Pharaoh's Example:

Exodus 8:32 - Pharaoh hardened his heart

5. God's Word can both hurt and heal

Acts 8:9 - Simon the sorcerer.
A. Before - had great power and blinded people with sorcery
After - believed and baptised after hearing Philip's preaching.

Yet Simon was reprimanded by Peter for wanting to purchase God's gift with money.

B. Truth hurts Simon - he received condemnation and warning from Peter

Truth heals Simon - he repented and experienced God's grace.

6. Conditions of Churches and Christians today

A. Too many worries and cares of this world that take priority of walking in God's truth.

B. People of God must know God"s truth, no matter how it hurts, they will receive healing from God's Word.

2 Chronicles 7:14 - God's people can repent and healing will take place.


Right Question:

If i am wrong why don't I repent and turn to God?

Results: True freedom to love and serve God, and live victoriously by the grace of God

D L Moody - I keep short account with God.


I will read your Word daily and walk in practical righteousness. I want to yield and surrender to you.

Prayer: Lord soften my heart and teach me to pray, to have the attitude of repentance and yielding to your Spirit. In Jesus' name I pray.

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