Sunday, 17 January 2016

Sunday Sermon by Pastor Pacer Tan on 17 Jan 16

Title: Servanthood

A. Grace empowers us to overcome sins, temptations and trials.
B. Grace also empowers us to serve God
C. Kingdom of God is about what God wants us to do before His return.

2. Ephesians 2:8-10

A. We are saved by grace. We respond by our faith. It is basically i believe. This grace starts from God Himself. There is still room to knee at the foot of the Cross of Jesus.

B. We are God's workmanship. There is a divine plan, a blueprint for every child as His workmanship for good works. Through His grace i received salvation and now i am empowered by the same grace to do good works.

C. The proof of Christian is seen in good works. God foreknew what every child would do after salvation. Grace is not just we about  receiving salvation; it is also about the same grace to empower us to serve the Lord.

3. Romans 14:18-19

A. Serving Christ is acceptable to God.
It is sad that many use their gifts and talents for the world. When you serve your company and family, you are serving God.

B. Pursue what makes peace and for mutual upbuilding. Jesus is our peace. He prayed in the gospel of John that we might have peace in this world. In the book of Jeremiah, the wall has come down and was breached, which means peace is no longer present. As they built up the wall, peace returned.

4. Question we need to ask: If your wall is broken down and peace is absent in your life, you need to build up your wall so that peace can return. One sure way to build the wall is to ask God where you can serve Him which is acceptable to Him, so that peace shall abound in your heart and in your family.

5  Reflection:

Jesus came to serve and not to be served. How can we do less?

Peace cannot be taken for granted. Once it is breached, the wall is broken.

Note: This is a personal sermon note-taking. Do get a copy of CD for complete sermon.

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