Sunday, 28 February 2016

Sunday Sermon Title: Christian Confusion Clarified

Speaker: Senior Pastor Rony Tan
Date: 28 Feb 2016
Venue: Lighthouse Evangelism Church

One of the most misunderstood jargons in the church today, which we often hear is "God loves us unconditionally”.  There is no condition attached because His love is available to all regardless of race or religion. It is true that God loves even the terrorists and atheists unconditionally because “He so loved the world” (John 3:16).  Romans 5:8 reinforces this when it states that “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”.

However the truth is that God's love must be accepted and received. Here are the two main presumptions about God’s unconditional love.

1.    Presumption of the World about God's unconditional love
There are no such things as divine judgment and hell because of God’s unconditional love. Every one shall end up in Heaven.  But Revelation 20:15 tells us otherwise for it says, “and if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire”.

a.    The number one priority of man is to be saved from hell, and the number two priority is that his loved ones be saved from hell. Many people ask, “Why is there a hell when God's love is unconditional?”  But God is also a God of justice and holiness.

b.    Christ's blood is freely given to every one regardless if he or she is a murderer, cheater, kidnapper, etc.  The offer is available even to the worst of sinners.  A lot of terrorists are reportedly saved by the grace of God. 

c.    Saul of Tarsus, though he regarded himself as the worst of sinners, God turned him around and he wrote about two-thirds of the New Testament.

d.    If a soul ends up in hell, Jesus will still weep for him. As God has given man the free will to choose to accept or reject His unconditional love, He cannot snatch anyone from hell when a decision to reject Him has already made.

e.    God loves us unconditionally, but the offer comes with conditions!  What are the conditions? They are:
(1) Believe in Jesus Christ - John 3:16
(2) Repent of your sins - Acts 3:19
(3) Receive Him - John 1:12
(4) Walk on the narraw way - Matthew 7:13

f.     Church is not a place for fun and games; it is also not a place for entertainment. Disneyland is the place to go for all these. Jesus warns us to beware of false prophets (Matthew 7:15). They quote Scripture out of context, for they are ravenous wolves who are leading many into walking on the broad way. They poison the gullible with the gospel of cheap grace, like poisoning a dog with a piece of good meat added with a small drop of deadly poison in each serving.

2.    Presumption of some Churchgoers about God's unconditional love
Once saved, a churchgoer does not need to do anything at all to keep his salvation. In fact he does not have to repent of any wrongdoing, because all his past sins, present sins and future sins have already been forgiven. All good works are seen as self-performance that would keep one living under the law.  Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 7:15-29 warns us on walking on a broad way, the teachings of false prophets and disciples, and building on a foolish foundation.

a.    a. Churchgoers are taught to just believe in positional righteousness and not practical righteousness.  I am resting in Christ; I do not need to do anything. But Jesus says that we should look at their fruits. Fruits means the way these people conduct themselves and their good works.

b.    b.  Jesus says that when you abide in Him and He in you, we shall bear much fruits. This is how we know you are a Christian for a good tree cannot bear bad fruits, and bad tree cannot bear good fruits.

c.    c.  Though we are not perfect, but our lives must reflect the fruits of our beliefs in Christ.  Churchgoers who claim that they do not follow the Ten Commandments, because they are now living by grace and not under the Law, are truly misguided and even deceived. It is the Jewish’s ceremonial laws like circumcision that are no longer binding.

d.    d. It is clear that Jesus wants us to build our foundation on the solid rock through hearing His Word and doing what the Word is teaching us. When we slip, we can get up and move on. His grace empowers us despite our imperfections. Churchgoers believe in lies will have a great fall!

e.    e. One will perish without repentance - Luke 13: 1-5. Here, Jesus is talking about religious men in Galilee, as these men died courageously for their religious faith. They were religious but had no repentance. Likewise everyone in Jerusalem, like these men, shall perish without repentance.

f.     f. In Luke 13:6-9, this parable tells us that any tree that does not bear fruits shall be cut off. Our Lord Jesus Christ who is patient even though many are not bearing fruits especially the churchgoers. He gives them more time, but a day shall come when the tree has to be cut down if there is no fruit. Evidence of born again Christian is fruits.

g.    g. In Philippians 2:12, Christians are to work out their salvation with fear and trembling. Christian life is to be cultivated and developed.

h.    h. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus wants our good deeds to be seen and thus glorify the Father in Heaven.

Why trees without fruits are yet to be cut off or pulled down?  It means that there is still hope. Though many churchgoers are misled, but they do have godly fear which gives them a glimmer of hope to return to the narrow way when they repent.

If a dog does not bark how can it be a dog? If a cat does now meow, how can it be a cat? Similarly, if a Christian does not bear fruits, can he or she be a Christian?

As many sunday churchgoers need time to take away the toxic which has been in the soil for many years, may they get the right and good fertilizer to start bearing the fruits that only Christ can produce in them when they abide in Him.

Reflection: Are you bearing fruits for Christ that shall have eternal value, or are you a Sunday churchgoer who keeps warming the pew week after week? If you are the latter, take heed on these four steps - Believe in Christ's love for you, Repent of your sins, Receive Him into your heart, and Walk on the narrow path by His grace.

This is a personal note-taking. To get a complete sermon, you may purchase the DVD at the church counter.

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