Sunday, 14 February 2016

Sunday Sermon: Are You A Disciple?

Speaker: Senior Pastor Rony Tan
Church: Lighthouse Evangelism
Date: 14 February 2016

What is a Christian? Common answers from Christians: Believer who follows the teaching of the Bible. From non Christians: They are nice people. They are the ones who dare to believe they are going to Heaven. However we know that there are others who are camouflaged Christians. They are afraid to reveal their status as a Christian. They forgot that Christ will be ashamed of them before the Father.

1. The word "Christian" or "Christians" appear only 3 times in the Bible. Why? It was meant to be derogatory because the Master is a "criminal" who was crucified on the Roman cross. The term Christian is like a little christ, a menace to the society. These are derogatory terms used during biblical times.

2. Three Scriptural Verses of the word Christian mentioned in the Bible in a negative way.
A. Acts 11:25-26 - the disciples were called Christians in Antioch by the world. However, in today's context, this term "Christian" has a positive connotation because the negative slur is no longer attached to it now.

B. Acts 26:28 - King Agrippa said to Paul that he almost became a Christian after his sharing with him. He used it in a belittling manner, a derogatory way. Though the King could see the genuineness of Paul's conviction, but he would have too much to lose if he became a Christian.

C. 1 Peter 4:16 - if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed. This term used in this context is also derogatory as Peter encouraged the saints to be strong amid persecution.

D. Sad to say that in today's context, to be a Christian is simply to attend Church period. There is no need to attend prayer meeting, bring people to Christ, etc. Only disciples do all these things.

3. But the church's supreme task is to make diciples! How many times is the word disciple mentioned in the Bible?
27 times in singular form
232 times in plural form
259 times in total in the entire Bible!

A. Christ has commanded the church to make disciples, not Christians - Matthew 28:19-20
B. The joy and bliss of serving the Lord is by making disciples for indeed obedience to God brings true happiness and meaning in a Christian life.

4. What is the result of making disciples
A. Acts 6:7 - disciples were multiplied and even priest believed and became obedient to the faith.
B. Those who called themselves as Christians do need to understand that the real "fun" in life is to obey Jesus for He is the true source of happiness and joy.
C. A disciple is one who obeys Jesus for he wins converts and makes them disciples of Jesus. He builds them up in love, teach them the virtue of self discipline and encourage them to be faithful to the Lord. In so doing, these new disciples will do likewise - winning souls and making disciples for Christ.

5. Definition of a Disciple
A. A disciple is a progressive follower, pupil, learner and trainee-on-the-job of his master.
B. Matthew 16:24 - if anyone who comes unto me, let him deny himself, take up the cross and follow me.
C. There is no such thing to have success without effort. Let us not fall into the trap of easy "believism" for many are already succumbed to it especially through make-believe commercials in the mass media like in the TV and cinema.
D. Jesus told His disciples about all the wonderful promises like Matthew 6:33, but He also told them about walking in the narrow way.

6. Take Up the Cross and Follow Him
A. Fans of music and singing idols are more faithful than Christians who are to Christ. These fans are willing to buy expensive tickets to hear them sing, and often waited for hours to queue up in order to see their idols. Some even travelled all over the world just to see their idols.
C. Can Christians do less? Every born again, bible believing Christian can learn about Jesus, as their true idol by knowing his life, work and ministry in the Bible. It is deeply encouraging to understand His wisdom, power, love, sacrifices, compassion and many, many more qualities, which are life changing with blessed eternal outcomes.
D. John 14:34 - Love one another which is the basis and motivation to love the unlovables in the world. Jesus said that by loving one another and the world with His unconditional love, all will know we are truly His disciples.

A. What is a new commamdment? Indeed for once, the disciples saw firsthanf how God was loving them through Jesus who is the role model. Jesus loves them through His healing power of God where salvation, healing and deliverance are experienced by many.

As His disciples, Jesus wants us to do the same. The secret to be His disciples and make disciples is to touch God. This is done by spending time with Him through prayer, disciplining ourselves to study His Word, and committing our lives to Him wholeheartedly and  faithfully.

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