Sunday, 19 January 2014

Sunday Sermon Topic: Understanding God's Righteousness in Christian Life
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rony Tan
Date: 19 January 2014
Key Scriptures: Philippians 2:12 & 1 John 1:8-9

1. Introduction
Biblically there are two aspects of righteousness
A. Positional Righteousness
B. Practical Righteousness

2. The life of Abraham
A. God's promise Heaven to Abraham - Hebrews 11:10
He has positional righteousness which is a legal right to come before God as one who believes God and His promises. However his belief in God is translated into practical righteousness or right living. Practical righteousness (it is a sanctification process to be more like Christ) is about right or holy living.  
B. When a Christian does sin, his positional righteousness is not affected because his relationship with God remains intact in that he is still a child of God. However his fellowship with God is affected by sin, unless he repents and confesses his sins to let the blood of Jesus cleanses him from all unrighteousness as mentioned in 1 John 1:8-9.

3. Hebrews 12:5-6 - Do not take lightly of God's discipline when one sins or keeps sinning.  God corrects His children because He loves them.

4.  Positional righteousness occurs when one repents and receives forgiveness of sins,  and thus he is born again or saved. This gives him a right standing before God as long as he keeps his faith in Christ. Because of positional righteousness, one can have the power to experience practical righteousness which is right living before God. Its goal is towards Christ-likeness. Hence Christians are blameless before God but not sinless as they are not perfect.

5. The Book of 1 John
A. 1 John 3:7 - One who practices righteousness will be led to righteous living so that he shall not be deceived. 
B. 1 John 3:10 - Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God.
C. 1 John 2:29 - He who is born of God practices righteousness. 

6. Two importsnt questions: A. Are we able to practice righteousness perfectly? 
No. But the provision to live righteously or to experience practical righteousness again is made possible by confession of one's sins to God and to receive His forgiveness for the blood of Christ is able to cleanse him again snd make him blameless before God.  It is not to be saved again but to have right living and fellowship with God.

B. What if I don't repent, will I lose my salvation? 
No. But if one keeps sinning and his life beomes a lifestyle of sins, then his sins will pile up, his conscience will sear and heart will eventually harden. The outcome of being a backslider may finally lead him to renounce his faith and lose his salvation.  

7. Two Biblical Examples:
A. The life of King David - Was he still a king when he sinned against God by committing adultery and murder? 
Yes. Positionally he is still a king before God. But practically he is not living righteously before God. His fellowship with God is affected but he is still the king positionally. 
B. The life of Judas Iscariot - he is a disciple of Christ and an appointed treasurer. 
Did he repent after he betray Jesus? 
No. Thus, he lost his position as Christ's disciple and treasurer. 

8. What does it mean to be a New Creation?
2 Corinthians 5:17 - We are new creation spiritually but our mind (soulish part) needs to keep renewing by God's Word. It is the same as crucifying our flesh, figuratively speaking. However we have the power of God to overcome temptations and sins, and live victoriously.

9. Christians still have sinful nature 
A. Romans 7:18-25 - The propensity to sin in us is real even as a new creation. Our spirit is saved, our soul is being saved (renewing of mind) and our body shall be saved. 
B. Triumphantly, Apostle Paul declares that he is victorious through Chrsit Jesus! So are we!

10. Two key biblical principles to help us live a successful Christian life
A. Be quick to repent
B. Be quick to forgive

11. Consequences of sins
A. Sins can be forgiven but they have consequences. 
B. The consequences of David's sins - anguish of soul, hatred, bitterness,  division and calamity in his household and eventually death occurred. 

12. How to deal with sins?
A. Never stop coming to God
B. Take practical steps to avoid and overcome sins that easily entangle you. 
C. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.  This needs repentance. 

13. Warnings from the Book of 2 Timothy
A. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - God's Word leads us to righteous living. 
B. 2 Timothy 4:2-4 - The time will come when many people will have itchy ears to hear what they want to hear which are contrary to sound doctrines.

14. Conclusion
We must take heed to every warning in the Bible.

Note: This is a personal sermon notes taken by Bro Robin Png. He has added some pointers for personal consumption.

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