Sermon Title: The Rich Fool (Mirrors and Windows - Part 7)
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rony Tan
Date: 3 November 13
Scripture: Luke 12:13-21
A. These 2 words seem incongruent. But God's opinion of the rich can be foolish for one can be rich materially but bankrupt spiritually.
B. Successful failure is one who is unprepared for eternity. Only Christ can give us the perspective of a balance and joyous life now and prepare us for eternity.
1. Jesus is prompted to give this parable because an unhappy person comes to Him hoping He will make a judicial decision to get his brother to give him the share of his inheritance.
A. However Jesus deals with the root cause of the problem which is man's covetousness.
B. Covetousness is about acquiring an appetite that craves for worldly things in this life without true fulfillment or satisfaction in one's heart.
C. It then develops into greed that blinds one from seeking what is truly matters - the destiny of one's soul.
2. Two fatal mistakes in life
A. Living a life as though there is no God, and
B. Living a life without an end in mind.
As long as these 2 fatal mistakes continue, the results will be a life filled with haughtiness, pride and arrogance.
Three Warnings to take heed:
3. 1st warning: Life does not consist in the abundance of things.
A. Physical life is never freehold. Many earthly life is much shorter than HDB 99 years lease!
B. Spiritual side of man like emotions, will and thinking faculties continue after he dies. Eternity once dawns on you, it is the spirit of man that matters.
4. 2nd Warning: Matthew 6:19-24: it warns us to not focus on temporal things but on things that will not rust or be destroyed.
A. What is truly the treasure in a person's heart? It is the answer from this question: "What does he think of most of the times?" That is his treasure in life!
B. If a person is thinking of making money all the times, then money is his treasure! He worships mammoth and not God.
C. No one can serve two masters. You cannot serve Jesus truthfully, if you are money-minded. This person will have an unhealthy mindset for he sees life issues always in monetary terms. Money becomes his master!
5. Matthew 16:26 - Jesus is saying even if you have the whole world, it is absolutely folly of him if he loses his soul!
A. True wealth is contented with a few things and trust Jesus for all his needs in this life.
B. Real life is one who trusts God daily and be prepared to meet Him face to face.
6. All earthly possessions will eventually pass from your hand.
A. 2 Tim 6:7-10: Craving to be rich and having the love of money will lead to destruction.
B. Warning for shoppaholics: It is an addiction which can develop into covetousness.
Seven Guidelines to help impulsive shoppers:
1. Do I know exactly what I buy?
2. Don't be mesmerize by the packaging and the promise of the product. Eg. Can you believe you will have beautiful skin complexion for 10 years by using a bottle of cream for 30 days? The salesman is not selling to you the bottle or the cream but the hope of what this product promises! Unfortunately it is leading the buyer to believe a hidden deception.
3. Can I afford it? Walk away if it is a clear NO!
4. Do I really need it or am I feeling bad to disappoint the very likeable salesperson?
5. Am I going to use it regularly or it is because there is a terrific special offer? Why buy a shirt for $5 if you are going to wear it only once?
6.. Does it require high or expensive upkeep?
7. Do I have a space in my home for it? Is your home too cluttered? A cluttered home may lead to a cluttered mind!
3rd Warning: You may even die tonight.
Hebrew 9:27 - Death appointment supercedes everything.
1 Timothy 6:17 - Don't trust in uncertain riches!
2. The day will come for life's accountability.
3. God gives us all things richly to enjoy without resorting to being covetous.
4. How many people are speeding to their death prematurely, and into the judgement of God?
Altar call: Come to Jesus to trust Him fully, If you are not certain about eternity.
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