Sunday Sermon: The Great Marriage (Mirrors and Windows - Part 6)
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rony Tan
Date: 20 October 2013
1. Introduction
Jesus gives this amazing parable of the great marriage. It is the marriage of the Lamb that will take place at the Rapture, just before the Great Tribulation.
2. What will happen at Rapture mentioned in 1Thessalonians 4:16-18?
A. Dead in Christ will rise first.
B. We who are in Christ and alive shall be caught up in the air.
C. Jesus' feet will not touch the earth. He shall meet us in the cloud.
D. Why the word "therefore"? It is because Christians can take comfort from this truth!
3. What is the Glorious Appearing of our Lord Jesus in Revelation 19:11-16?
A. This event will take place after the Rapture mentioned in 1 Thess 4:16-18.
B. The sequence of events is as follows:
1st event: Rapture
2nd event: Great Tribulation
3rd event: Glorious Appearing of our Lord Jesus
4th event: The Millennium (We are going to rule and reign with Christ on earth for a 1000 years).
4. What is the difference between these 2 events - Rapture and the Glorious Appearing of Jesus?
A. 1st Event: Rapture is to rescue the saints. The Lamb in the Great Marriage will come FOR the saints (John 14:1-2).
B. 2nd Event - the Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ is that He will come WITH the saints (Jude 14-15 - Enoch walked so close with God that God took him up. Enoch prophesied Christ will come with ten of thousands of His holy ones to execute judgement of God)
5. The Lamb in the Great Marriage will come for His Bride, the Church - Revelation 19:5-9.
A. Question - Will you be ready for the Rapture?
B. People who are saved during the Great Tribulation will not be part of the Bride.
C. The fine linen mentioned here is good work of righteousness by the saints empowered by the Holy Spirit. This good work is naturally produced after salvation, for good work by itself cannot save a person.
6. Parable of the Great Marriage - Matthew 22:1-14.
What does it mean by "Many are called but few are chosen"?
A. Only Jesus can clothe us with His garment of righteousness through the blood of Christ.
B. Many are called to salvation but a lot will slip away. At the end few are left.
C. In Matthew 21:45-46, the Pharisees know that Jesus is referring to them.
D. This Supper is in the Father's mind all the times. Angels and guests (eg. OT prophets and NT saints) are waiting for this supper to take place when the Bride, that is the Church on earth, is caught up to meet the Groom at Rapture.
E. Parallel parable is found in Luke 14:16-24.
7. Conclusion
A. Many earthly issues distract Christians from focusing on things matter to God for they don't seem to have time for spiritual things.
B. The condition of human heart in Bible times is the same as in the present generation. People have no time for God until crisis strikes!
8. Applications
A. Two paramount questions that every true child of God must ask:
1st question - Will I make it to Heaven?
2nd question - Am I ready for the Rapture to partake the Great Marriage with my Lord Jesus?
B. Personal Reflection for the Week:
a. Stay on the straight and narrow way.
b. Don't stray
c. Be faithful
d. Trust Christ at all times
C. Warning from the Parable of 10 Virgins - 5 ready for the Rapture but 5 left behind.
D. Most people in the Church will make it to Heaven but may not be ready for the Rapture.
E Invitation to the Prebelievers - Jesus wants to dine with you so that you can receive the gift of God's love, the salvation of your spirit, soul and body. Repent of your sins and receive His forgiveness by openthe door of your heart to Him. He wants to have intimacy with you and partake the Great Marriage with Him.
Note: This is only a personal sermon notes. For complete sermon, you may purchase a copy of the sermon in a DVD format.
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